Our Information Leaflet is available for you to read and/or download.
Join Kidderminster Civic Society
We very much welcome new members. We particularly need help with maintaining a watchful eye on planning applications.
Help us to save buildings like the Piano Building. This is now a great asset to the town, but we saved it in the teeth of massive opposition.
If you would like to join us, please come to one of the meetings or walks and speak to a Committee member. Alternatively, you can 'Contact Us' by using the button at the bottom of the page, and someone will get back to you. Finally you can use the Subscription form and specify that you are applying for a new membership.
Pay your Subscription
To pay your subscription download and complete the Subscription Form and send it with your cheque to the Membership Secretary or pay at one of the meetings. You may also pay by Standing Order: please contact the membership Secretary about this or any Society officer at a meeting. Alternatively, use the 'Contact Us' button to send us a message