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The Doharty Plan of Kidderminster


The Title for this map (Top Left) reads:


 "An Exact Plan of


surveyed by John Doharty Junr.



in which the NEW STREETS are inserted as intended to be built.


This Plan is with sincere gratitude humbly inscribed to the Right Honourable Lord Foley.


By his Lordships most humble

and most Obedient servant.

John Doharty Junr."

Doharty WholeUSE.jpg

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A description of the town is shown top right on the map and reads:               ->   ->

KIDDERMINSTER in the Lat. of 52deg.28min an Ancient and now Populous Town in the county of WORCESTER, which sent members to Parliament, the Bissets were Lords of it: John Beauchamp Steward of the Houshold to King Richard The 2nd was created by that Monarch, Baron of Kidderminster. Queen Anne by Letters Patent bearing date Decem.1.1711, was pleased to Advance Thomas Foley of Whiteley Court (at that time member for Stafford who by his Travels had acquired great knowledge) To the dignity of a Peer, by the Title of Lord Foley of Kidderminster.

   The Town is Govern'd by a Bayliff who is a Justice in the Borough, 12 Capital Burgesses, and 25 Common Council, the Market on Thursdays, the Fairs Holy Thursday, 9 days after Whitsundayand St Bartholomew.

   The Church dedicated to All Saints is well built, consisting of a large Nave and two Isles, the Chancel in its dimensions is equal to the choir of some Cathedrals, in which Sir Willm Conye, the Cookes's, and the Blunts Honourable Families are interred; the Vicarage in the Gift of The truely Noble Lord of this Town.

   The Inhabitants are in No. 4000, who employ 1000 Looms, they are very Industrious and a Spirit of Ingenuity appears in the great variety and Paterns of their Stuffs and Carpets, in the first of which they equal the Irish, and in the latter the Wilton; add to this the advantages derived from the River Stour (altho' not Navigable) whose water is accounted equal to the Stroud Water for dyeing Colours in Grain, they are sincerely Honest in keeping up the Staple of all the sorts of Goods they make, which alone will support their Trade. The Sabbath is in no place more Strictly kept than in this Town, this may be the cause of many Blessings, that appear among them, may their merit always find encouragement, both at Home & abroad. The Famous Mr Richard Baxter was a Teacher in this Place, being fond of a retired Life, but could not conceal himself, he was respected by Foreigners, as well as Natives of the best Quality: towards ye decline of life, he kept an Academy here and died 1691.

   The Free School, Work House and Alms Houses, are suited to the different Ages, and wants of the Poor, that apply with desert.


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