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The Kidderminster Civic Society was founded in 1993 following the demolition of the Kidderminster Library and the Schools of Arts and Science. This photograph was taken shortly before the building was reduced to rubble.

Old-Library LR.jpg

The Society's objectives are: 


• the promotion of high standards in planning and architecture  


the promotion of education in the geography, history and natural history of the area


the preservation, development and improvement of features of historic and public interest.


Most of the interests of the Society lie within areas of 'Planning & Conservation' and 'History & Culture'. The Society has developed active lines of communication with the County Council, District Council Town Council and other Authorities. The work of public Agencies and matters of town interest are closely monitored.


Current projects include supporting the further development of the Museum of Carpet in Kidderminster, conservation issues and preparation of new publications. In 2006 the Historic Kidderminster Project (HKP) began, funded by lottery money through the Local Heritage Initiative. The aims were to survey for site evidence of a Saxon Minster in St Mary's Churchyard and to record Historical Buildings in Kidderminster. The production of more than 200 Historic building reports is ongoing, if at a fraction of the pace during the early days of the project. A promising radar survey of the Churchyard of St Mary's in 2006 led to an archaeological dig in  2013 which, whilst finding many objects of interest, failed in its main aim.

The Society has held back the forces in favour of the steady demolition of the town’s historic townscape by a series of successful listing applications. These include the Woodward Grosvenor building at the top of Green Street, which is now the magnificent new Museum of Carpet, William Green’s factory buildings at the lower end of the same street, the Morton’s factory between New Road and Green Street, and Puxton Mill by the river in Puxton Lane.


Another success was the preservation of the Piano Building in the teeth of a heated campaign waged against the Society by leading councillors and supporters, particularly through the pages of the Kidderminster Shuttle which ran a ballot on the issue. 


The listing of the only surviving 18th century bombazine weavers’ cottages in Horsefair has excited similar opposition from those unable to imagine the transformation which restoration will bring to ‘hideous’ buildings. These newly renovated cottages have now been sold for residential use and will add character and interest to the redeveloped area. 


There is a varied programme of walks, talks, visits and other events throughout the year. Suggestions for and contributions to the programme are always welcome.


Additional meetings are arranged when local issues arise needing a prompt response by the Society.  It is your Society – help us to use it to good effect.


Learn more about your town by becoming a member!


Influence what happens in your town by becoming a member! 


Support your town by becoming a member!

© 2021 by Kidderminster Civic Society. Proudly created with

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